Monday, December 03, 2007

Google Reader Rocks...

From your 29 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 2,506 items, starred 23 items, shared 76 items, and emailed 20 items.

The more I use Google Reader, the more I love it. I'm now reading over 350 articles online, every day. Take that Newsday! The great part is that I'm spending less time on the computer.

Prior to reader, I would get drawn into things that, deep down inside, I had no interest in. Since most of the RSS feeds come down as a title and a blurb, I can quickly scan items to see if they're of interest to me and be a bit more discerning with what I read.

As the quote above states, I now am pulling my news from 29 sources! This is us from a handful, just over two weeks ago. I'm finding that I check twice a day, usually around lunch time and just before I go to bed. As my trend data builds, I'll grab some screen shots and share an OPML file of my feeds, in case you're interested in what I'm reading or if you'd like to use my feeds as a starting point.

Either way, Google Reader rocks and I highly recommend it.

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