Thursday, November 29, 2007

Google Reader vs. Digg...

I've become a pretty heavy user of Google Reader the last few weeks. It's a great tool for people that spend a lot of time on the web and a reading from either an enormous amount of sites or incredibly varied sites. Prior to using Reader, I would visit a dozen or so sites daily, with Digg being the site I used for tagging stories for recall later on. I can honestly say that I have cut my total news reading & browsing time in almost half. Why not more you ask? Well, I've been exploring new things to read a result of living in Google Reader.

As I've been writing more consistently the last few weeks to this site, you may have noticed that I was posting my shared reader stories and my recent Diggs in the right-hand column. As of this morning, I've taken down the Diggs and I'm going to try an experiment this week. I'm going to try using Digg through Google reader. Why? Well, while Digg exposes some great reads, it really is controlled by a select group of 'Diggers', whose submissions always seem to make the front page. I had started to Dabble in the 'Upcoming Stories' section, but there's just too much crap there. What I've now noticed by visiting Google Reader first, is that I've now read most of the news making the front page, before even going to Digg.

Does this mean I'm going to stop visiting Digg? No. The entertainment from the comment system is too good to walk away from right now. One thing that Reader lacks right now is a social aspect, but knowing of Google, it may already be in the works.

I'll report back later on how my experiment goes, but in the meantime, I highly recommend Reader.

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